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Barentsburg by Gronfjorden
Barentsburg by Gronfjorden
Image no. 4978
Bearded Seal - Square Flipper
Bearded Seal - Square Flipper
Image no. 4981
Bearded Seal - Square Flipper
Bearded Seal - Square Flipper
Image no. 4982
Bearded Seal - Square Flipper
Bearded Seal - Square Flipper
Image no. 4983
Bearded Seal - Square Flipper
Bearded Seal - Square Flipper
Image no. 4984
Blomstrand Glacier
Blomstrand Glacier
Image no. 4910
Kohleschiff in Barentsburg
Kohleschiff in Barentsburg
Image no. 4979
Image no. 4999
Image no. 5000
Image no. 5001
Image no. 5002
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4986
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4987
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4988
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4989
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4990
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4991
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4992
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4993
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4994
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4995
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4996
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4997
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Kittiwake resting on iceberg
Image no. 4998

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